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Сканія Україна, ТОВ — вакансія в Compliance Coordinator

Compliance Coordinator

Сканія Україна, ТОВ
6 годин тому
10 березня 2025
Київвулиця Ярославів Вал, 14Аметро Золоті ворота
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість

Scania Credit Ukraine opens vacancy of Compliance Coordinator. Please see the details below:


 "Scania Credit Ukraine" LLC is a financial company located in Kyiv that provides financing to clients in Ukraine in the form of financial leasing of new and used Scania vehicles, looking for a proactive Risk and Compliance Coordinator to enhance our operations by managing policies and ensuring implementation of the internal controls system and enhancing data protection area. This role is ideal for someone passionate about maintaining legal and ethical integrity amidst the dynamic and challenging landscape of the regulated non-banking financial sector. 


 Core duties for position – to support Group and local policies implementation and management process, to prepare for implementation of Internal Control system, to maintain and adopt Global requirements within local regulations in the data protection area, to support Commercial Organization (CO) in compliance related areas.  

Below is a list of core expected responsibilities:


  1. To check and maintain key controls of main business processes in Business unit
  2. Preparation and implementation of Internal Control system
  3. To ensure acknowledgement of Group and local policies by the employees
  4. To keep list of policies updated with Group and local one’s if applicable
  5. To support in adaptation Group policies within local requirements and legislation and keep them updated
  6. Provides advisory in ethical area or in any questionable are arising from management or employees while conducting the company?s objective
  7. Participation and lead from CO side in case of compliance audit
  8. Monitoring and coordination of compliance activities
  9. Identifies potential areas of compliance vulnerability and risk; develops/implements corrective action plans 
  10. Provides reports of the operation and progress of compliance efforts

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  1. informing and advising management and employees regarding data protection questions
  2. processing inquiries on data protection law, above all from employees, customers, suppliers, and public authorities
  3. monitoring compliance with the statutory and internal company data protection provisions
  4. providing support for the fulfilment of possible reporting duties in accordance with local data protection law
  5.  ensuring his/her own ongoing professional development in data protection for specific areas
  6.   Data Protection system (ASTER) maintenance and support
  7.  reporting the data protection activities of the company to Management and the Group Data Protection Officer
  8.  reporting personal data breaches where the company is data controller to the National Data Protection Authority if so required by national law, and to the Group Data Protection Officer
  9.  keeping data protection processes and routines updated and aligned with group and local data protection requirements 

              In addition to the above-mentioned duties, this function may also include other tasks requested by the Supervisor.


- BA degree in Law, economics is minimum requirement. MA, preferably banking, is considered as advantage.

- Professional Certifications is considered as big advantage

- experience in Risk and Compliance area at least 3 years preferably in banking or financial sector

  • understanding of legal compliance, risk management, and corporate governance.


Languages required coping with the duties:

- English; speaking and writing (Upper Intermediate level is min requirement)

- Ukrainian; fluent in speaking and writing



Personal qualities essential for the employee in order to cope with the duties:

- Analytical

- Strong communication and negotiation skills

- Team-work abilities

- Co-operative

- Self organization, attention to details 

- Capable to work under time and projects pressure


Person will be part of Scania Remuneration program that will provide next benefits:

- Salary paid with accordance to local legislation

- Bonus scheme in accordance to annual performance

- Medical insurance

- Business trips including EU

- Educational programs within Scania Academy & external trainings

- IT equipment giving options to connect remotely 

Шакало Вікторія

Сканія Україна, ТОВ — вакансія в Compliance Coordinator: фото 2

Сканія Україна, ТОВ

Автомобільна промисловість та Автобізнес Сайт компанії
Сканія Україна, ТОВ: фото 2

від 100 до 250  співробітників

з 1998 року  на ринку

  • Курси іноземної мовиКурси іноземної мови
  • Офіс у центріОфіс у центрі
  • Медичне страхуванняМедичне страхування
  • Безкоштовні обідиБезкоштовні обіди
  • Професійні та корпоративне навчанняПрофесійні та корпоративне навчання

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