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lifecell — вакансия в Creative Communications Lead

Creative Communications Lead

6 дней назад
03 марта 2025
КиевКиїв, ул. Соломенская, 11
В офисе/на месте
Полная занятость

Job accountability area:

Development and control of implementation of creative campaigns and communications strategy, planning and delivery of creative advertising products using in-house resources of the company and external creative agency

Ensure effective visualization of lifecell brand and different lifecell products due to:

- Participation in the development and further control of the company's brand-book compliance

- Tasks setting and control of creative agency designers;

- Development of key visuals (further realization in Digital Communications and in Sales FG for POSM development)

Design development, motion video for communication campaigns in PR, BTL activities.

Functional Responsibilities:

  1. Development of brand-book, brand platform and strategy of creative communications.
  2. Control of compliance of brand-book and brand strategy of visual products, created in other Functional Groups, in order to observe the general style of communications.
  3. Participation in the development of tariffs, products and offers by evaluating ideas, providing expert consultancies, planning and delivery of creative advertising products according to the needs and requests of internal clients. Presentation and approval of ideas for internal clients and management.
  4. Participation in the tender at the choice of the creative agency: initiation, preparation of technical task, final selection of the winner of the tender.
  5. Development and implementation of visual concepts for launching individual products and services of the company (according to the brief).
  6. Planning, organizing and controlling the execution of work tasks for the development of creative visual solutions with an advertising / creative agency.
  7. Key visuals development. Development and implementation of ideas for visual and creative solutions according to the brief from internal clients, conducting debriefing sessions, feedback sessions.
  8. Approval developed ideas and solutions with direct supervisor.
  9. Processing and adaptation of visual solutions according to technical requirements (Change of layouts format for different advertising media, including the OOH).
  10. Development of web-design of landing pages (4-6 screens).
  11. Create short videos for YouTube and other social networks (using stock or existing materials).
  12. Development and approvement of the idea and realization of other creative branded materials:
  13. Motion GIF video design for PR communications and presentations;
  14. Key visuals, icons, stickers development for landing pages, mobile applications, SMM;
  15. Designs development for BTL campaigns, including sponsorship projects (leaflets, posters, stickers, etc.);
  16. Designs development for PR campaigns, including SCR projects (leaflets, posters, stickers, etc.);
  17. Presentations design, including illustration and motion GIF video.
  18. Search, select and handling photos and images on the stocks. Production of graphic art and visual materials for promotions, advertisements, films, packaging, and informative and instructional material through a variety of media. 
  19. Teaching and sharing of knowledge among colleagues, remaining abreast of technological advances in the field and be able to identify areas of use in the organization.
  20. Tracking of team performance, providing timely feedback, coaching. Identifying the training needs of the team. Development of team professional skills and individual development planning, control and analysis of results, team motivation.


1. Education - Design, Marketing, Printing industry

2. 5+  years in advertising or marketing

3. English - Advanced

4. Photoshop, Illustrator

  • Preferably experience in advertising agency as an art director
  • Availability of project portfolio (from 5 campaigns)
  • Basics of UI / UX design
  • Preferably Corel Draw, InDesign, Flash, 3DS Max
  • Experience in preparing DTP files
  • Creativity
  • An eye for detail and good visualization skills
  • Some familiarity with animation techniques
  • Good communication skills
  • Good presentation skills
  • Time-management skills

 We offer competitive compensation package, including health benefits and a dynamic work environment with opportunities for professional growth and development.

Waiting for your CV!

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lifecell — вакансия в Creative Communications Lead: фото 2


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lifecell: фото 2

lifecell — український оператор, що надає справжню свободу спілкування.

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