ARCS deals with solidarity and international cooperation, volunteering and global citizenship education, humanitarian aid and shelter / hospitality. Founded in 1985, ARCS Arci Culture Solidali APS ( is a Social Promotion Association for solidarity, cooperation and international volunteer work, founded on the initiative of ARCI (, an important National Network of the Third Sector. ARCS is registered in the List of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) of AICS, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (, with decree n.2016/337/000132/3, as subject referred to art. 26 of Law 125/2014. ARCS is registered since the 21st November 2011 in the National Register of the Social Promotion Associations pursuant to and for the purposes of Law 7 December 2000, n. 383, transmigrated to the RUNTS, the Third Sector Single Register. Mission and Vision ARCS promotes inside the communities processes of social change, of education to global citizenship, to peace and intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, and of strengthening democratic ownership. ARCS builds national and international partnerships based on equal dignity and respect for diversity and differences. ARCS puts at the center of its mission and action: full social, economic, labour and cultural inclusion affirmation and defense of civil rights gender empowerment mobility and free aggregation humanitarian aid, protection and reception of refugees and immigrants education and training protection of common goods social and environmental sustainability civil rights / human rights promotion of Peace The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the basis of ARCS strategy. On the ARCS website at the link you can consult and download the organisation’s code of ethics, the statute, the social report, the gender policy and other publications of the organization.
2 вакансии компании
N 2 Educators
ARCS Arci Culture Solidali APS is a non-governmental organisation, founded in 1985 in Rome by ARCI andcurrently present in 11 countries around the world with operational offices. Since the early 2000s, ARCS has become morestructured to deve...
Administrator/Procurement Expert
The Procurement Administrator/Expert, in close coordination with the expatriate project team, will be in charge of the following activities:Manage all purchases of goods and services of the project and prepare the necessary documentation fo...