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soft Xpansion

soft Xpansion Перевірена

від 20 до 50 співробітників
з 1997 року на ринку

Today soft Xpansion is an international company and a high-experienced team of experts offering its own products and services worldwide for customers from various industries. Since our founding, we have developed more than 200 software products and successfully completed more than 250 projects in many countries worldwide. Now we are focused on developing our own LowCode/NoCode platform softXspace for business digitalization without programming, ready-to-use products based on it and PDF & Print technologies pdfXpansion for the fill-fledged work with PDF documents and electronic invoices. Our qualified team of architects, consulters, analysts, designers, testers, and engineers provides high-level security, intuitive usability, functionality of our solutions with ability of a flexible integration with different technologies. Our platform and products provide an easy way to transform your business into the digital one with a perfect opportunity to automate business processes, build digital interaction between employees and counterparties, and organize information within a unified digital space of your company. In addition, our industry experience and technology expertise allow us to propose a complete range of high-quality consulting and IT services