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Компанія з рейтингу Forbes «Найкращі роботодавці України 2024»
Global Software Engineering Firm. Partners for progress building future-proof technology for market leaders. Led by our people-first principle and a belief in relentless progress, our world-class team creates data-driven, cloud-native solutions to deliver immediate and enduring business value. DataArt has earned the trust of some of the world’s leading brands, including Nasdaq, Metro Markets, Skyscanner, Ocado, Doddle, Travelport, Meetup, Rappi and Betfair. DATAART IN NUMBERS: • 5700 professionals • 26 years in operation • 20+ countries • 30+ locations • 87% employee retention • 31% women • 48% seniors • Glassdoor review score — 4.6 TEAM SATISFACTION SURVEY 2022: 94% of our team members would recommend DataArt as an employer to their friends. 93% of our team members would spend 2+ more years of their career with DataArt. 90% of our team members are satisfied with their total deal at DataArt. 30% of new colleagues come to work with us because of a recommendation.