Пошук роботи на robota.uaukraine

MedEvac Doctor

109 000 — 109 000 ₴   + per diems when working outside Dnipro
1 тиждень тому
01 березня 2025
ДніпроStashkova Street
В офісі/на місці
Проектна робота
Per diem payment in addition to salary

MEDEVAC Doctor Ukrainian National

Summary or Overview of the Role 

  • This position is for a Medical Doctor working primarily on interfacility ambulance transports in Eastern Ukraine. This team member serves as the clinical lead during transports while paired with a paramedic or nurse, and takes an active role in the day to day operational running of the service

Job Location 

  • Currently working on a rotational basis between Dnipro and MSF bases in Slovyansk and Sumy, with potential to travel to other locations in Ukraine. 

Daily Duties 

  • Conducting patient transports as clinical lead
  • The vast majority of time infield will be spent on call, and the team member must coordinate with other team members to ensure their availability and readiness to respond
  • Stocking and replenishing medication, consumables, oxygen and fuel on the ambulance in partnership with paramedic/nurse
  • Cleaning and sanitizing medical equipment and the ambulance in partnership with a paramedic/nurse
  • General maintenance and care for CADUS resources including medical equipment, personal protective equipment, vehicles, according to needs
  • Following CADUS SOPs for monitoring medication and consumable stock levels, in addition to controlled substances tracking
  • Provide assistance to other team members in tasks such as inventorying consumables
  • Medical record keeping in line with CADUS SOPs
  • Active participation in team life, including assisting with upkeep of the co-living environment, and other tasks as required

Skills Needed to Perform the Job 

  • At least two years of clinical experience at the required level of practice
  • Anaesthetist or Emergency Doctor specialty preferred
  • Experience with pediatric patients is preferred (to be discussed at interview)
  • Prehospital experience a strong asset
  • Previous humanitarian experience, ideally also in hostile environments
  • Experience working collaboratively in a diverse team
  • Ukrainian national. Speaks Ukrainian/Russian and English to a professional level.

  • Essential: must speak English to a professional level. 
  • Oversees paramedic/nurse partner during patient care activities as clinical lead. Works collaboratively alongside paramedic/nurse during all other tasks
  • Due to the dymanic nature of the conflict and humanitarian aid in general, all the above including working locations are subject to change

Please send application with CV to: Відправити резюме

Head of Mission/Staff Coordinator


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