Переваги роботи в компанії
We are an innovative crisis management company, one of the leaders in professional services and digital technologies. We provide clients with services and solutions in the field of strategies, consulting, digital services, technologies and operational optimization We are working on the market since 2019 We always consider the needs of partners and are ready to work on new projects to expand business opportunities. In our work, we primarily value quality and professionalism, which allows us to remain in demand among clients with various needs.
2 вакансії компанії
Sales manager (Target leads)

Міжнародна консалтингова компанія, що веде свою діяльність у декількох країнах, у зв’язку із розширенням штату відділу продажу у Чорногорії запрошує на роботу менеджерів із продажу із знанням англійської мови. Робота з нами — це високий заробіток, жи...
Sales manager (English or Arabian)
We provide our clients with a wide range of services and solutions in the field of outsourcing and outstaffing, specifically in legal issues, as well as in the field of personnel management and development.Company offers: — Salary 1000-1500...